• Ruth and Candace are beginning to plan for the Christmas program. If you are interested in having your children participate in the program, please let them know.
  • October 22nd @9 AM – camera set-up workday. Please contact Mark, Paul, Ross P., or Jim V. if you would like to help.
  • October 23rd – Ordination Celebration followed by a potluck meal. Come and join us as we celebrate Pastor Justin’s ordination.
  • October 23rd – following the Ordination Celebration the youth will meet then leave at 2:30 PM to go to the Swift Family Pumpkin Patch. They will return to the church at 9:00. Teens are encouraged to dress for outdoor activities including a corn maze and bonfire. Entrance and supper are free but feel free to bring money to purchase items or donate to the patch.
  • November 4 – 6th “A Weekend to Remember” in Sioux Falls. There is a discount if you add “WinnerMarriageEnrichment” for the group name. Military discount and scholarships are also available. Please see Rob Koskan or Pastor if interested.
  • November 13th Council Meeting (with vote on new members) followed by Thanksgiving Meal; there is a sign-up for items/dishes to bring.!

1 Timothy 2:1 – 2

1First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.