• Today and the following week will be an opportunity to give to the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Fund. There are special envelopes in which you can place your donation.
  • February 5th – The Council meeting has been rescheduled to next week and will follow the Sunday Worship.
  • February 10th-11th Roger and Brenda Daum of Restoration Ministries will present “Tools for Your Relationship Toolbox”. The event will run from 6-9 PM on Friday and 9-3 PM on Saturday at the Holiday Inn. Registration can be found at: https://www.wma-winnerareachurches.com and is limited to 60 couples. The Winner Ministerial Association has covered this cost and the free will offering collected from the event will go to cover future events. There are fliers on the back table for more information.
  • February 12th – Annual Valentine’s Day Banquet hosted by the youth group with more details to be coming!


1 Timothy 3:1

The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task.