I am sure, if you are reading this Post, it is because you are thinking, what on earth is Pastor Bruce going to say? Or you might have looked just because that is what you do. At least, I hope that your curiosity was sparked some what by the title to this Blog. I was sitting in a dentist office some years back, sitting in the chair which was reclined. The dentist had a poster, If you don’t like your teeth, ignore them, they will leave. Certainly this is true, but not funny, as you think about how they will leave. Teeth problems are painful to say the least. About four years ago, I was in a fetal position, on a Saturday late afternoon. I had to preach the next day but for right now, that was the farthest from my mind. Lori threatened to call Dr. Will Manke but I did not want to bother him. She did not listen and in less than two hours that tooth had left me. Now, many people are the same way in their Christian life. They have a sin issue or they have unforgiveness issues and it turns into a cavity, a decay might be a better word. If we do not take care of the problem it takes away our Joy and Peace. Can I encourage you to do what the Psalmist did, and ask God to search your life and see if there is any wicked or unclean thing in it. If there is, take care of the problem.
Interestingly, this occurs to me. We find ourselves reluctant to deal with teeth primarily out of fear, mostly fear of pain. One wonders, then, why we are reluctant to deal with sin, sin all the pain of sin, and all the pain of the removal of sin, has been borne by Jesus? It is easier (more painless) to confess and repent and release sin than to get a tooth pulled. What do you think, Bruce?
You are right, but I wonder if it is the fear of others knowing that we are not perfect. Being known as a sinner is humbling. But that is exactly what we need to be to be free from the bondage that we get from sin. Amen, thank you Dr. Dale McIntire.