Announcements for March 7, 2021

  • Daylight Savings Time begins on March 14th. Change your clocks ahead 1 hour Saturday evening or be late for church.
  • The Sunday evening Bible Study continues at 5:00 pm. You do not need a book to join us! Come and study the life of Christ.
  • Awana request: we are in need cookies and items for the store.
  • If you would like to help with church cleaning, please sign-up!
  • The food pantry is always accepting donations. Please place donations in the orange tote in the foyer.
  • The adult Sunday School Class is doing a study on Daniel and Esther; see Jim Meyer for a copy of the book that is being used.
  • Sunday evening prayer time starting at 6 pm and Wednesday morning prayer time at 9:30 am. Please join others in a time of prayer.
  • March 28th Palm Sunday Brunch; please bring a breakfast dish or side to share.

Philippians 2:25 – 30

25But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger and minister to my need, 26because he was longing for you all and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick.  27For indeed he was sick to the point of death, but God had mercy on him, and not only on him but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow.  28Therefore I have sent him all the more eagerly, so that when you see him again you may rejoice and I may be less concerned about you.  29Receive him then in the Lord with all joy, and hold people like him in high regard, 30because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to compensate for your absence in your service to me.