
  • Today @ 4:30 PM Long Term Care
  • May 26th – meeting for VBS following the Sunday service
  • Sunday evening Bible study and prayer time will not be meeting for the next three weeks.
  • The last day for Sunday School will be June 2nd and classes will resume the Sunday after Winner School resumes.
  • Sunday Night Grow Group 7:00 PM @ church
  • Tuesday Women’s Group 2:30 PM @ Diane Graber’s
  • Tuesday Evening Group 7:00 PM @ Patmore’s
  • Wednesday Prayer Time 9:30 AM @ church
  • Wednesday Men’s Group 7:30 PM @ church
  • Thursday Men’s Fellowship 3:00 PM @ McDonalds
  • Thursday Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM @ church

Youth Announcements

  • June 24-27th Local Mission Trip – see Trevor for more details.
  • June 28th – 30th Save the date for Wilderness Camp!!!

Ephesians 5:18

And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit