1 Peter 5

5 Items

Final Stand


Announcements Today Council Meeting following the Sunday Service August 5th 7 – 9 PM AWANA Training @ Calvary Baptist Church in Yankton August 10th 3 PM Mataya Peck & Cody Wheadon wedding at Prairie View Gospel Barn in Gregory, SD August 11th River Service @ 5:00 PM; bring a dish to share Membership Classes – […]

Wake Up


Announcements Thank you to everyone who helped or donated items/food for VBS! July 29th 7 – 9 PM AWANA Training @ Calvary Baptist Church in Platte August 4th Council Meeting following the Sunday Service August 5th 7 – 9 PM AWANA Training @ Calvary Baptist Church in Yankton August 11th River Service @5:00 PM; more […]

The Humble Church


Announcements July 21st – 25th VBS from 6 – 8:30 PM here at the church!! July 21st @ 4:30 PM Long Term Care Service – come and join our elders for a church service July 29th 7 – 9 PM AWANA Training @ Calvary Baptist Church in Platte August 4th Council Meeting following the Sunday […]

The Pastor


Announcements July 21st – 25th VBS from 6 – 8:30 PM here at the church; see the flyer in the foyer for more information July 21st @ 4:30 PM Long Term Care Service – come and join our elders for a church service Aug 4th Council Meeting following the Sunday Service Aug 11th River Service […]

The Attributes of the Devil


John 8:44 44You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father […]