1 Timothy 5

15 of 7 items

Biblical Eldership part 3


Announcements July 23rd to 27th – Zoomerang VBS will be at the Assembly of God Church this year. VBS will run from 6-8:30 PM and is for ages 4 to high school. There is a flier on the bulletin board. July 30th – Our Church Picnic at the River. Anyone interested in being baptized please […]

Biblical Eldership part 2


Announcements Today will be our final special offering for One Great Hour of Sharing. There are envelopes on the back offering box if you would like to give extra to this organization. July 11th @ 5:30PM VBS planning meeting at the Assembly of God Church. July 23rd to 27th – Zoomerang VBS will be at […]

Biblical Eldership


Today and next week will be our special offering for One Great Hour of Sharing. There are envelopes on the back offering box if you would like to give extra to this organization. July 23rd to 27th – VBS; more information will be coming. July 30th – Church Picnic at the River. August 20 – […]

Widows in the Fellowship part 3


June 18th Father’s Day Sunday. Ice cream sundae after church service. July 23rd to 27th – VBS; more information will be coming. August – Special Speaker Justin Peters will be coming to speak. Youth Announcements Wilderness Camp – August 11th – 13th . 1 Timothy 5:11 – 16 11As for younger widows, do not put […]

Widows in the Fellowship part 2


Today is the last week for the separate offering for America for Christ. You can find envelopes in the back on the offering box. Today – Sub Sunday Fellowship Meal following the morning service. There will be plenty of food; please stay and fellowship with others! June 8th at 5:30 VBS meeting at Assembly of […]