Luke 1

4 Items

A Different Christmas (part 4)


Today we will be collecting a special offering to go towards the meals that were made. If you would like to donate to help cover the cost, please place your donation in the red basket. There is a small money tree located beside the nursery for monetary gifts for Pastor Justin and family. Please feel […]

The Lord Brought Joy


This season we are taking a separate offering for M & M; this love offering goes towards retired missionaries and pastors. Envelopes are provided in the back of the chairs and on the top of the offering box. Dec. 31st – Jan. 1st – Youth Lock-In from 7 PM – 7 AM; please see Trevor […]

A Wonderful And Terrifying Encounter


Angel Tree gifts need to be returned to the church by tomorrow- Dec. 6th. Saturday Dec 11th – PANCAKE FEAST; this will be a fundraiser for the Youth Group with donations going towards their trip to The Ark. The doors open at 5:30 PM; the movie will begin at 7:30. Wear your plaid and join […]

God’s Faithfulness


Long Term Care service is today; please join in fellowship with the residents; the service will begin at 4:30 PM. If you would like your child/children to participate in the Christmas Program, please see Candace and Ruth. If you would like to bring in a poinsettia in memory of a loved one, please feel free […]